5 killer tips to convert more leads – triple your leads in 30 days!
In our game conversions are everything, especially when identifying your businesses KPI’s. Clients are getting more and more eager anticipating their next reports to measure their return. (told you that this day would exist!) Now that we have pitched AdWords and picked up the work it is time to deliver.
So going out and building the perfect campaign with a great list of keywords, awesome ads, a bid and budget management tool hey even a secret negative list you may come up short.
Conversions are not for free (literally) your site/landing page will play a major role in your ability to hitting your desired goals/leads.
Here are 5 Killer tip to better convert those campaign visitors into leads and sales.
- Optimize your landing page – Is your destination URL a conversion all-star? Do you send your traffic to your home page? This part is crucial for success, not only will it be the first impression when landing on the site it is also where you want to close the deal (get the lead). Does that landing page have the elements in place to captivate, convince and reassure the visitor that he has found everything that they were looking for.
- Have a unique USP – It makes the world of difference to have a unique selling proposition which can help your business stand out of the crowd. This is a good task to assign to the CEO/President of a company. They are usually happy to come up with some original marketing ideas and they will have fun with this one. (don’t forget to provide them with some example of what works) so no one ends up at the road in a chicken suit waiving the promo sign, lol!
Become a site link and callout expert – Shake what Google gave you! Make sure to use all available real estate to your advantage. Larger ads attract more attention and deliver a higher number of conversions! Some of those SEM search results cost so much we may as well take whatever opportunity we can get to be more appealing.
- Add Pop UPS – It is simple; you want leads? Then add some pop ups to your site! Pop Ups work hand in hand with a good USP and a publishing strategy. Make sure that your pop ups pop at the right time. Being aggressive with your pop ups can be dangerous, make sure that they are done right and see your leads multiply.
- Boost your Quality score – Make sure that your visitors find the info they came for. Not only with Google reward your campaigns if they provide value. It will also boost CTR which is the key influencer when it comes to QS. Make sure that your landing page is relevant to your target keywords, Google loves relevancy. All the money that you save will buy more traffic = More leads
Here are a few simple tactics that will deliver results fast when it comes to optimizing conversion rates, happy PPC-ing!