Can Twitter be used for Business?

Companies worldwide are doing everything they possibly can to turn their traffic and conversions into daily customers. Technology is so modern in today’s world, that social networking has been the go to guide for all of their needs. Twitter is one of the most recent, and popular social networks that companies are using. A twitter account is quite simple. With a simple email address and password, you can create your account, find your followers, and even “tweet” your daily deals, special promotions and what exactly is going on with the company. Within your tweets, you can hashtag certain words, and gain followers to help your flow of traffic. Now you may be asking yourself how can twitter be used in the business world. Believe it or not there are so many different ways that it can be used, and will help you create a stronger and higher quality work place.

Twitter has over 500 million tweets being sent out on a daily basis with over 230 million users online and active every minute of the day. With a usage of 140 characters, you are allowed to send what’s called a “tweet” to millions and millions of users. These users can see these tweets in their news feed, as a sponsored advertisement, or even used as a keyword in the search bar. As a business, twitter can be used to help reach out to different customers and provide them with the information that they need whether that’s for promotions, sales, or even the announcement of new product. With a simple tweet, you can get across your information, have other followers look at it, and from there on out you are off too a start of millions of followers, and a stronger foundation.
What does Twitter mean in the Business World?
Another way that twitter can be used in the business world is the fact that it’s giving you the ability to see what other competitors are doing and saying. Competition is big out in the sales world, so by being able to see what others are doing, it’s allowing you to improve on yourself based on what they have. If you see that your closest competitor is having a sale of BOGO (buy one get one) and at the time, yours is only 40% off an item, you can adjust your sale to out beat theirs, all while making yourself look like the stronger company, all while using the social networking on Twitter. Comparing and contrasting is sometimes the best way to go and will turn you into a stronger company.

Using programs like twitter ads can also help your company a great deal. After you send out your tweet out to your followers about your next promotion, why not set up adds on twitter ads with a link to your promotion. Use every possibility to grow your company with the use of Twitter. When you include ads in your tweets it reaches out to your followers to go ahead and check out the promotions on the website.
It gives the customers the opportunity to check out your website first hand, and your conversion traffic will greatly increase all because of a simple tweet with twitter ads included in that. When using twitter, also make sure that you are responding back to those customers who are tweeting you out. If a twitter user has asked you a question, don’t be shy message them back! You can re-follow them and then send them direct messages on whatever questions they may have for you. This builds up your customer-client relationship. You can also re-tweet something that they’ve said and even favorite a tweet.
If you see that there giving your company very positive feedback, you can go ahead and favorite that, which lets the customer know that you appreciate their value to your company. Here’s a really cool example “I went to #Starbucks today, boy do I love double chocolate chips. #Starbucks #heaven #addiction” If you see this come up on your feed, you can hit the favorite button, showing the customer that you like what they wrote, and you can even reply to them, maybe even direct message them and give them a free drink next time they come in! It’s the little things like this that can make your company grow, and you have twitter to thank for that! Overall, by having a friendly atmosphere, using twitter in all the right ways, and being able to reach out to your customers, you are 100% on your way to a stronger independent company. Not only will your company be stronger, but also you have all the tools that you need to be different.
Using twitter in a business is a very strong attribute to have, and not many companies even consider it. As long as you are keeping in contact with your clients, using twitter ads and being able to function twitter using the retweet and favorite buttons then you have no reason why you can’t use twitter in the business world. It is a very strong option to have with your company, and can be highly considered with the right amount of marketing tools.